Friday, June 18, 2021

War inside us.

'' No matter how hard it goes let it be and stay strong''

From the very first every one have the different approach to the life and consequences they face are the result of their actions towards their life. A person needs to know what it takes to make a life worth living but unfortunately very few of us get to know about it and rest of us live with the fears inside us. The war going inside us about doing what to please our ego and our self satisfaction never ends till we die. 

We all living in this era are trying to fight with our very own self to make our life a blissful journey. Beyond religion, culture and society trends we never think to live as a human. 


The word need define our basic necessity to keep us alive that is eat, sleep and shelter. This is the very minimum level of consumption of needs adding to it education, sanitation and healthcare also comes in the list. 
''Is that all?"

This is where the war starts and we start to follow our illusions, thoughts and try to make our fantasy worlds imagination come true and most of us end like this failing in achieving these set of phantasmas to make our innersole at peace. 
"I don't want you to think that these fantasies are worthless or demotivating you to fulfill them but my point is to just think over it that the cost it takes from you to make it happen is much time bigger than its worth"
Life goes on and following your aim and goals should also be but in this journey don't you just forget about your existence and your purpose to be here on this diverse planet earth.